Lx5 Insulators is an extremely effective energy conservation solution, sealing the gaps, cracks and crevices that allow conditioned air to escape during the winter and unconditioned air to enter during the summer. In turn, your heater and air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to keep you comfortable, saving you money on monthly energy bills.
This highly durable insulation is also a great barrier against moisture, keeping the drywall and wood framing in your house dry and preventing mold growth. It also blocks the flow of outside air into places like attics and crawl spaces, reducing the humidity level in these areas. This, in turn, helps prevent your HVAC system from working as hard to remove moisture and humidity from the air, saving it energy and extending its lifespan.
Reducing Energy Bills with Spray Foam Insulation
When properly installed by a professional, spray foam can reduce homeowners’ energy costs and improve their homes’ R-values. The air seal created by this type of insulation can also help prevent condensation and eliminate drafts, both of which are costly.
Spray foam is sprayed onto walls and ceilings, filling the small nooks and crannies and creating a seal that won’t compress or sag over time. It can be sprayed into new construction or old structures with open cavities, including attics, basements, and crawl spaces. It can even be sprayed into spaces around electrical outlets and light fixtures, or into spaces where walls meet windows and doors. Spray foam insulation is made of two liquid chemicals that undergo a chemical reaction to form the foam. During this process, the products release isocyanates, which are powerful irritants to eyes and the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and can lead to a condition called chemical bronchitis. However, newer low-GWP spray polyurethane foams that don’t release isocyanates are available to avoid this concern.
Lx5 Insulators
“13030 s 401st w ave Bristow ok 74010
(918) 853-6175