Beck Depression Inventory-II – Reliability and Validity in Adolescents

The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is a 21-item self-report questionnaire that is widely used to assess the severity of depression. It was developed by Aaron T. Beck and colleagues. Although BDI-II is considered a valuable tool in clinical and research settings, its psychometric properties have been the subject of limited studies to date. Among these, results regarding factorial validity are mixed. According to the original manual, a two-factor model (somatic-affective and cognitive) appears to be the best fit. However, other authors have not been able to replicate this result.

Beck Depression Inventory II, little is known about the reliability and validity of BDI-II in adolescents. Given that depression causes poor academic performance, substance abuse, antisocial behaviors and running away from school, it is particularly important to study the psychometric properties of adolescent clinical samples using this questionnaire.

Comprehensive Guide to Beck Depression Inventory-II Scorin

In the present study, 284 high school students in Shiraz, Iran completed a structured clinical interview and the BDI-II along with the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). Internal reliability and validity were assessed through descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s , Spearman’s correlation coefficient and factor analysis. The ROC curve was also analyzed to determine the ability of the BDI-II to discriminate depressed and non-depressed participants.

The BDI-II showed acceptable internal reliability, good convergent and discriminant validity. Using the ROC curve, it was determined that the total BDI-II score provided the most information about depression. A multigroup test for measurement invariance indicated that the BDI-II is a unidimensional measure.